Monday, July 17, 2017

9 Tips for Planning Tented Weddings

Outdoor tented weddings are stunning (to say the very least), but what you might not know is that the successful execution of such open-air events requires a lot of moving parts and logistical extras, extras that aren't usually needed when hosting weddings indoors. Like most brides-to-be, the last thing you want for your upcoming wedding day is to be unprepared and ill-informed about what exactly you'll need & need to do to make sure you pull off the tented, outdoor soiree of your dreams.
To make sure that you never have to experience any of the "I wish I'd known..." moments that so many other brides have encountered in the past, we've compiled 9 oh-so-helpful tips that are essential to keep in mind every step of the way in your outdoor wedding planning journey. So read on, take notes, and (finally!) relax with the confidence that with these tips in your arsenal, everything will be just grand.

Get The Right Tent!

Easier said than done. One big mistake we see brides make all the time is measuring the space the tent will go on their own. Don't do this! Get in touch with your wedding tent hire companies in your area and have them make a site visit to measure the space on their own, the right way, to ensure you get a tent big enough for your event. After all, they're the pros, and there is more that goes into this than meets the eye. For example, you can't stick a tent just anywhere. You have to make sure there are no underground utility lines (saving you a very costly situation should you hit one). Additionally, you can't think solely about how many guests you'll have, but also the style of dinner service, the size of the dance floor, how many bars you'll have, what kind of band stage you'll need, etc. One last time: get a pro to do this.

Make Sure There Are Plenty Of Available Restrooms
Although the outdoor venue or location you choose for your wedding may have restrooms on site, that doesn't guarantee that these facilities can accommodate your number of guests. A fabulous rule of thumb to keep in mind is that you'll need at least one restroom per every 40-45 guests. If what's available isn't an ideal or workable ratio, rent extras for your big day. Trust us, nothing leads to a grumpy crowd like a bathroom shortage (especially when there's a bar involved!).

Survey The Power Outlet Situation

It's often a detail that goes unnoticed until the very last moment, but making sure that you have adequate power supply, plenty of outlets, and the necessary electrical requirements for your wedding vendors is a BIG component of pulling off a tented affair with no hiccups. To make sure you are covered, talk with each and every one of your vendors about what they'll need, survey the location to make sure those needs can be accommodated, and finally, book a generator if you need one. Should you need a power generator, your local wedding tent rental company should be able to supply you with one or point you in the right direction.

Remember That You'll Need Lighting!

Once you confirm that your power supply needs are covered, go ahead and dive into assessing what you'll need to rent or purchase to make sure that your tented event has plenty of lighting. Sure, you'll have plenty of light by day, but when your celebration spills over into the evening hours, it's more than necessary to sufficiently light all party areas — the reception area, the bathroom facilities, the walkways, the on-site parking lot, etc.

Don't Forget About Parking Logistics

Another on-site logistic that you should take notice of early on in your wedding plans is parking. Does your outdoor space have a parking area? If so, does it have enough spots for the number of guests you'll have? If no parking area is provided or if there isn't enough available parking areas, then you'll need to, unfortunately, secure off-site parking, which can be very costly. If you do end up having to reserve parking elsewhere, it's also key to remember that you'll need to provide transportation for your guests to and from the wedding location.

Secure Your Permits

When you finalize the location of your outdoor tented wedding, one of the very first items you should check off your to-do list is "get permits." To determine what types of permits you'll need and if the county has a noise ordinance or special laws, head over to town hall and have them explain their regulations. From there, get to work on securing all permits and making sure your soiree is in line with any and all county rules.

Purchase Event Insurance

We know it seems silly to purchase insurance for a single day, but trust us when we say that you really shouldn't leave this safety measure of our your wedding plans, especially when it comes to outdoor weddings. Although it's likely that nothing like this will go wrong on your big day, uncontrollable disasters do happen, such as fires, injuries, and inclement weather. Make sure your investments are protected! Plus, what do you have to lose? Event insurance is relatively inexpensive and it'll provide you with priceless peace of mind.

Double & Triple Check Your Rental Needs

When you host a tented wedding, pretty much everything has to be rented. Yes, everything from the tables and chairs to the linens to the tent itself. With this outdoor wedding quirk in mind, we urge you to double & triple check your rental needs throughout the planning process. Nothing spells "uh-oh" quite like forgetting a major must-have or underestimating the exact quantity you need. Because this point is extremely important, we whole-heartedly suggest hiring a wedding planner to help guide you through this intensive portion of preparing for your wedding day. He or she will know exactly where to turn for quality rentals, exactly what and when you need order, and more!

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare For The Weather

Mother Nature is one unpredictable lady. For that very reason, it's imperative that you prepare, prepare, prepare for any and all weather scenarios that might pop up on your big day. If it's likely to rain, discuss rainy day backup plans with your tent company (some companies have special rain tents). If the forecast shows that it's going to be a stifling hot day, rent event fans to place in the corners of your tent. If it's going to be chilly, invest in heaters to scatter around your event. No matter what the weatherman predicts, you should be ready with a plan up your sleeve.
Keep these important details in mind while you plan and we're sure that your tented wedding with be a success from start to send-off!
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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Outdoor Versus Indoor Wedding

Always dreamed of a summer wedding outside in a lush garden? Or does the thought of the humidity and chance of rain deter you against anything to do with the outdoors? Whether you have your wedding indoors or out, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option before making your choice.
The time of year, of course, plays a big role in your decision. If it's a winter wedding, opt for an indoor wedding. However, if your wedding will be in the summer, an outdoor wedding can take place in many beautiful outdoor settings, such as on the beach, by a beautiful garden, or a gorgeous backyard.
Outdoor wedding: advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of having an outdoor wedding include the natural beauty that is all around you. From palm trees to flowers, to gazebos, lush greenery, and sunsets, nature is your breathtaking decor, which can save you money on flowers and other decorating expenses.
Besides saving on decor, you will save on rental fees for a hall or any inside venue. Public beaches, gardens, and parks do not charge a fee so the only fee you would incur is the minister or priest. This casual approach also allows you to skip the pricey formal attire. You can wear a simple sundress, if you’d like, thus saving more money.
Another advantage is that you can choose whatever theme you’d like. Some churches can be very strict and might not allow you to be creative and dress them up with fun themes, but when you're outdoors, you have greater freedom to do whatever you'd like. Outdoor weddings also allow your guests to feel more relaxed because it's a fun, casual environment, rather than a stuffy and formal place. Having lots of space for movement is more comfortable for them as well.
Of course, one must also consider the disadvantages of an outdoor wedding. The biggest disadvantage is Mother Nature’s power over the weather. Because weather is so unpredictable, this can be a cause for concern. Sometimes, the weather forecast may call for sunny and clear skies, but come the day of your wedding, the exact opposite might be true. This is when a back-up plan is vital. It's this back-up plant that can increase the budget, as booking a room or a tent for your Plan B will entail costs, especially in the case of booking a tent. However, look into renting a tent structure that can serve as an outdoor venue. A high quality stretch tent structure can within gail force winds and will protect your guests from even the most unpredictable weather. Be sure to price and compare. We found, a reputable company such as Tentickle Stretch Tents, a good source of realistic stretch tent prices, great service and really beautiful tents that will enhance your special day. The worst-case scenario is that you pay to have the tent installed and then have a gorgeous sunny day and lose your deposit or the entire amount.
Another thing to think about is humidity. Hair might not cooperate in humid weather, makeup can be runny, and seasonal allergies can bother you or your guests. Also, make sure your priest or officiant is willing to marry you at your venue, since many Catholic priests will not perform marriage ceremonies outside of the church.
Indoor wedding: advantages and disadvantages
If you love the look of an outdoor wedding, but don’t want the stress of possible rain, you can create the outdoor look inside as well. For one client, I rented a venue encased in windows and this allowed everyone to feel like they were right in the middle of the natural beauty outdoors, while still inside, saving my client the stress of possible rain or need for a Plan B.
The advantages of having your wedding indoors is the year-round aspect. Whether your wedding is during the winter, spring, summer, or fall, there is no issue with weather. There are so many options for an indoor wedding, from historic buildings, stunning hotel banquet rooms, luxurious reception halls to indoor greenhouses, just to name a few.
The opportunity of having an "off-season" wedding in an indoor venue is also a plus, as hosting a wedding when venues are not busy may save you some money by the discounts that these venues can offer during their quiet season.
Golf clubs, for example, welcome events with open arms and sometimes reduce their rental rates and offer special wedding packages to bring in some business during their off-season.
Lighting is a great way of creating ambiance at a wedding and indoor venues allow you to maximize its effect, creating the perfect mood and allowing you to have the exact lighting you desire. Indoor weddings also mean better climate control.
Before making your choice on whether you prefer an indoor or outdoor wedding, consider all the pros and cons of each option and see what works for you.
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